Below please find detailed steps to place an order with us. 



Create an account by clicking "Join Free" on the top of the right corner of the website. You can easily create your account using your email. Make sure you have a unique username, if your user name is already taken by other customers, your account can not be created. You can also shop first, adding your favorite items to your cart. You'll be directed to the registration page when proceeding to pay.


Order confirmation

Find your dress, select color, and size, and click the "Add to Cart" to place the item in your shopping cart. You’ll be asked to fill in your shipping address, and choose the shipping method and payment method. When you are ready to pay, click "Proceed to Pay". Complete your order via credit cards or Paypal. An order confirmation email is sent to your registered email box immediately. 


Payment confirmation

After you complete the payment, a payment confirmation email will be sent to your email box.


Tailoring notification

You will receive a tailoring notification email once our manufacturer starts the tailoring. Usually, the email will be sent within 12 hours after you get the payment confirmation email. 


Shipment notification

We will inform you of the shipment through email. A tracking number will not be included in this email. Since we ship a lot of dresses at one time, the shipping company usually sends us the tracking numbers 24-48 hours after the dress is shipped.


Tracking notification

We will email you the tracking number once we have it. If you have problems receiving a tracking after 48 hours, please let us know and we will assist. 

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